Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bisexual Women Looking For Couples On-line

When you found you were bisexual woman, have you ever feel lonely and helpless? It really makes me confused when I found I was fall in Love with girl, not only girl and also the guys. Come out to friends and family took me a long time. Maybe it was the darkest time in my life. Nobody to understand me, nobody to hear my thought, just hide it. Everyone thought I was a normal girl, because I dated with my boyfriend and laugh with girl but did not say I love her...

Now I came out that I'm bisexual. Certainly not everyone accepted bi, but I'm happy, because I can do myself, do what I want to do, and there are a part of people are supporting bisexual women, right?

For bisexuals, now supported by family and friends, but supported and accepted not means we can get dating with them. So how to date other bisexual couples? 

First way, go to LGBT local community, it's good for me, then join and have some party, club, very happy. But felt tired.

Then, find friends on facebook, google+,some people are gentle, chat and support bi, but there will be lots of people will come to hangout, ask "I'm straight, and wanna threesome, How do you make love?" lots of sexy chat, but not really friendly, just curious about the life style of bisexuals.

So disappoint, went to bisexual dating site. Here people are the same,all bisexuals, support each other.I think if they are not really bisexual, maybe they will not spend the money( though it's chip)and time just for kidding on bisexuals.

Now if you are bisexual woman, and wanna meet couples, come to join